Haines AK Mine
A clearinghouse for information and expert reports about Constantine’s Palmer Project
The proposed Palmer Mine is an advanced exploration project located in northern Southeast Alaska, a few miles upstream of the Tlingit Village of Klukwan and the town of Haines. A complex of federal, state, and private lands are utilized by Constantine North, a subsidiary of Canadian-owned American Pacific Mining, and majority-funded by Japanese smelting company, Dowa Holdings. Constantine North is targeting zinc, copper, silver, gold and barite.
The Palmer Mine Site
Near Haines, Alaska
The Palmer Project targets a massive sulfide deposit deep in the mountains, beneath the Saksaia Glacier, and past two seismic fault lines.

American Rivers has named the Chilkat and Klehini Rivers among America’s Most Endangered Rivers® of 2023, pointing out the threats of the proposed Palmer mine that would likely result in contamination of nearby creeks that feed directly into the two rivers.
Moran Report
July 2022 — Technical report Analyzing Constantine Mining, LLC’s Revised Application for Waste Management Permit for the Palmer Phase II Exploration Project
Power Report on “The Social Costs of Mining in Rural Communities”
March 2020 — an Independent Analysis of Constantine’s Palmer Project, Alaska, USA | NI 43-101 Technical Report
Alaska Mine Pollution
Securities Complaint
September 2021 — Securities complaint alleges Constantine Metal Resources is misleading investors about its Palmer Project
Kuipers Report
August 2019 — An analysis of the the overall socioeconomic impacts of the proposed Palmer mine on the quality of life in the greater Haines area
March 2020 — A track record of impacts from failure to capture and treat mine pollution at Alaska’s five major metal mines
Mining Reports
Alaska Mining Spills
April 2022 — a comparison of the predicted impacts described in permitting documents and spill records from five major operational hardrock mines in Alaska
Mining Infrastructure Reports
Lutak Dock White Paper
June 2023
A comprehensive white paper on the Lutak Dock rebuild project, prepared by Clemmer Law Office, LLC for Lynn Canal Conservation (LCC), brings to light significant risks for Haines Borough residents and taxpayers and calls for greater transparency and accountability. The risks to Borough taxpayers highlighted in the report include the potential for construction cost overruns, excessive long-term maintenance costs, lack of a viable customer base, contamination and cleanup costs, and harm to subsistence, local business, and quality of life, as well as problems with the $20M federal RAISE grant that would fund the project.
Safe Haines Highways
May 2023
A number of Haines residents recently organized as the ad hoc group Safe Haines Highways (SHH). SHH commissioned LNE Engineering and Policy in Anchorage to research and analyze the likely impacts of the Haines Highway truck corridor becoming a haul road for ore concentrates from a small number of active and proposed mines in Alaska and the Yukon.
The report found that the round trip travel of 40-60 metric tonne trailer trucks carrying ore concentrates on the Haines Highway, passing through Haines to the Lutak Dock, and returning to their respective mines likely would have significant impacts on Haines residents’ quality of life.
Lutak Dock E-Book
June 2023
This e-book, produced by Lynn Canal Conservation, brings readers through the history, designs, and potential risks and burdens for borough citizens and taxpayers posed by the Lutak mega-dock project. All of the information in the e-book is excerpted or summarized from technical reports, historical documents, public records, and news stories dating back more than a decade. Much of the information has never been publicly discussed and is not widely known.